Monday 20 September 2010

LOVEFIELD (short film by Mathieu Ratthe)

This film builds suspense very well, it starts off with quite dull colours, grey skys and the continuing sound of a bird squawking. All of these components build an eerie atmosphere as the camera pans through the corn field. These elements all give this film the feel of a horror film. After a few moments on tension building techniques and sounds we hear the sound of a womens voice begin to increase in volume, she continues to cry while the shot pans across the floor until it reaches a close up of her foot which then lies motionless on the floor. Then a knife is thrust into the ground which shocks the audience and is also successful in building the illusion of this being a horror film. As the film continues we see the apparent murderer, a hill billy looking character, wearing a trucker cap, a vest and some dungarees which are a fairly conventional costume choice for a horror film. The man acts suspiciously as he rummages through the car looking for something to conceal the body in but when he returns we see him wrapping a new born baby in blankets where the realisation of what has actually happened hits us with the colours becoming more vibrant and the smiles on the faces of the mother and the man who helped her give birth, contradicting the image the audience had in there heads. The film at first feels like a typical horror film portraying death, where really the film shows the opposite in birth.

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