Monday 20 September 2010

LUCKY (short film by Nash Edgerton)

This film follows the conventions you would expect to find in an action film. It features the writer and director Nash Edgerton playing a seemingly all action man stuck in the boot of a moving car attempting to escape. There is no dialogue and little music though, almost all sounds are diagetic perhaps to give the film a more realistic feel. The film follows the protagonists struggle to free himself and pull the car to a halt. He uses a wide range of shots in this sequence including one that arcs across the front of the car to combat the 180 degree rule, which i think was very successful. The film-maker uses various cinematic techniques to show the characters struggle, overall i think the sequence is successful in its portrayal of the protagonists attempted escape which eventually contradicts the feeling that he has escaped the audience gets by blowing the car up with him in it. This links to Lovefield in that it tricks the audience in to feeling one thing, then, the opposite happens.

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