Monday 27 September 2010


His Story

This poem has a good narrative which would be fairly easy to portray through film, the poem shows the effect that bullying has on a person.

1 comment:

  1. The following is what needs to be done to bring your blog up towards an A grade:
    1.Organise film style entries together with a title and short introduction.
    2. One or two line introduction to the clips in the film style section.
    3. Favourite directors section needs personal element, eg. what you like most about their style, favourite film & why. Could also add a picture of each.
    4. Short films need a write up of the analysis done in class. Breakdown the narrative, genre and mise-en-scene of each film and discuss what it is you like about them.
    If you would like any extra help with this then just come and find me any free period you have.
